Live with dignity? some will ask, in allusion to the low salaries of Cubans. A salary which nonetheless, covers housing, electricity, telephone and so on, high quality education and healthcare. It's true, with that salary one cannot buy flat screen television sets or Nintendos or tourist holidays or empty houses to speculate with. But is that what dignity is? Buying stuff? Some think dignity is not feeling ashamed you can pay for expensive medicines or a Masters for your kid while right beside you someone else cannot. Cubans live without that kind of shame and it's likely they are ready to die before allowing anyone to force them to give that up.
via Znet
Deve ser por essa razao ( salario baixo que paga tudo, excelente cuidados de saude e de escolaridade) que cada vez que o fidel abre as portas metade da populacao saida para a florida. E aqueles com mais coragem continuam a sair mesmo sem autorizacao arriscando a vida em boias, pneus etc para sair do paraiso.
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